It's been a while

Photo by Jess Bailey on Unsplash

It's been a while

A brief personal update

It's been a while since I wrote on this blog and I've spent some of that time deciding what will be my current learning path. I've recently been exploring front end development again, and specifically playing around with React. I'm still interested in machine learning but I recognize that there may be more entry level opportunities in web development. Moreover, to be a good machine learning engineer one must first be a good software engineer, and the skills I can gain on the job will help me become the former. So my priority is to build lots of stuff and get a job as soon as I can.

So with that I'll change the focus of this blog for a time, by providing updates of projects that I'm working on.

The first one I did is a simple book tracker app, written in JavaScript using React. I use Simple.css to give it some simple styles, and I use Local Storage to store the data, so when you refresh the page the books you've added into your list won't disappear. Give it a try!

Book Tracker App version 1 And if you're interested, find the code for the project here.

As my next project I intend to make a fancier version of the Book Tracker, which I'll call (for now, anyway) Book Tracker 2.0. If you're interested in hearing about the steps I go through to build this, check back here next week for updates. :)